Radio Communications

Recommended Radio Gear

I am writing this article because of the overwhelming amount of questions that I receive on a regular basis about communications. We live in a time where we are more connected than people have ever been in history.

What Is Most Important In Training?

A lot of  guys training want to get incrementally better at something they are already pretty good at.They want to spend two days on the range, run through some drills, maybe shave a few hundredths of a second off of their split times or clean that combat reload up a little.In other words they want to stay in their comfort zones!

The Modern Minute Man Physical Training Plan

  This article is a continuation of the Modern Minute Man article. If you have not read that article I recommend that you start here. As I continue to explore these concepts we will be looking at different aspects of […]

Amtac Shooting Fitness Standards

Without standards it is hard to know where you stand. I have oscillated between having a strong dislike of standards and thinking that they are an absolute necessity. My opinion on standards now is somewhere in the middle.   The bottom line is that […]

Let It Burn

Mindset. The more I teach good Americans to protect themselves and their families, the more I am learning that mindset is something that we have to weave into every aspect of our training. Mindset is not about a talk or […]

Bill and Chainsaw Sniper Adventure Challenge 2018

The Modern Minute Man and Other Standards

  For the last two years I have done the Sniper Adventure Challenge Race.  It has been a great way for me to have a goal to train for and to keep pushing the boundaries with training, fitness, shooting and […]

AAR: The Responsible Armed Citizen by Hill People Gear

19-20 May, 2018 (Denver, CO) “Bill is a huge proponent of being responsible for the protection of yourself, your family, and your tribe, and this class was designed to teach the basics or fundamentals of what Bill believes is important […]

AAR: Force on Force Course by VDMSR

April 7-8, 2018 (Undisclosed, NJ) “Every drill and part of this class is designed in such a way as to build a logical foundation of unconscious competence which is difficult to find in many current classes in the training industry, […]

Precision Rifle Classes

Getting into Precision Rifle Shooting

This is a primer for guys that are interested in getting into precision rifle shooting.  For the sake of this article I am going to define precision rifle shooting as anything over 600 yards. We will look at the options […]