may, 2022

11mayallday11-13 May 2022 - The Amtac Shooting & Tuhon Tom Kier from Sayoc Kali: Pistol & Blade CourseNear Coeur D'Alene, ID

Tom Kier and Bill Rapier


Course Details

Amtac Shooting and Tuhon Tom Kier from Sayoc Kali presents:

Three intensive days of training in the mountains of North Idaho at the Amtac Training Center. We will be working pistol, blade and combatives work with Bill Rapier from Amtac Shooting and Tuhon Tom Kier from Sayoc Kali. All food and lodging are included for the course. Topics to be covered will include:

  • Pistol fundamentals
  • Advanced pistol drills
  • Combatives fundamentals
  • Blade fundamentals
  • Long blade work (machete length blades)
  • Live cutting/ thrusting
  • Multi weapon stress course


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may 11 (Wednesday) - 13 (Friday)

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